Rain, Temperature, Humidity, & Wind Speed Gauges

Keep track of the ever-changing weather with our collection of stylish and functional Nautical Rain, Temperature, Humidity, and Wind Gauges. These items make great conversation pieces when added to your home or office. Our exclusive selection of instruments are available in a variety of designs to match your current taste and decor.
Check out some of our most interesting products like the Downeaster Wind Speed and Direction Gauge, and our Cape Cod Premium Indoor/Outdoor Temperature Gauge Weather Instrument. Both of these and more are available at our everyday low price, guaranteed! We also offer free shipping on orders above $99!
Here at Everything Nautical, we always put our customers first. Shop with us now and know that you are working with a family owned and operated business that has been serving maritime collectors and the nautical decor community since 1998.
Dial 888-211-4490 now and talk with us. We are looking forward to hearing from you!